
Campus Carry Banner.jpg

敖德萨(2021年8月30日) - - - 2021年德州携枪法案, or Constitutional Carry, will go into effect September 1, 2021. This review is intended to provide clarity and understanding of what this law allows, 反之, 它不允许的. 简而言之:宪法携带不会逆转 校园携带, nor will it result in allowing more guns on the campus of 欧亚体育.

2021年德州携枪法案 allows individuals 21 years of age and older to possess and openly carry a holstered handgun in public without a government-issued permit or license, provided they are not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm under state or federal law. The new law still prohibits Texans from carrying a firearm in the following locations:

  • 正在进行投票的投票站;
  • 公开会议:向公众开放的政府会议;
  • 法庭:法庭或法庭办公室;
  • A place where K-12, collegiate, or professional sporting or interscholastic event are being held;
  • 一个赛马场;
  • 任何运动场地;
  • 青年中心;
  • 养老院
  • A business that derives 51% or more sales of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption;
  • 惩教设施;
  • 精神健康治疗中心或医院;
  • An access-controlled airport terminal; and
  • 游乐园.


一个人不能 公开携带枪支 on the premises of an IHE, regardless of whether they are Licensed to Carry or not.  (Exceptions are police officers at any time and licensed security officers. 保安人员必须值班并穿制服.)

A current license holder may continue to carry concealed on the property of an IHE; however, the license holder commits an offense if the license holder carries a partially or wholly visible handgun, 不管手枪是否套在枪套里, on or about the license holder's person under the authority of Subchapter H, 第411章, 政府的代码, and intentionally or knowingly displays the handgun in plain view of another person:

(1)    on the premises of an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education; or

(2)    在任何公共或私人车道上, 街, 人行道, 停车场, 停车场, or other parking area of an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education.


德克萨斯州参议院第11号法案(sb11) was passed by the Texas Legislature and was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott on June 1, 2015. 它通常被称为“校园携带”,” and it permits individuals with a license to carry or a concealed handgun license to carry a concealed weapon on public junior college campuses in Texas beginning August 1, 2017.

As a Texas public junior college we are required by the legislature to implement the 校园携带 legislation, and this spring the college’s safety committee led the campus community through a thoughtful and deliberate process designed to educate students, 教师, 工作人员, and the community about the new law and the development of the 校园携带 rules and policies for 欧亚体育. In May, the safety committee submitted its recommendations to me for review and consideration. The recommendations were subsequently approved by the 欧亚体育 校董会 at the May 25th 董事会会议.


  •  Carrying concealed handguns by license holders will be prohibited in:
    • 托儿中心和游乐场设施齐全
    • OC TECHS – Odessa Career and Technical Education High School
    • Campus locations used for governmental meetings or as polling places
  • The college will not provide weapon storage facilities in campus buildings or campus residence halls

请注意:众议院法案910(“公开携带”法), was also signed by the Governor in January of 2015; however, institutions of higher education were exempted from “Open Carry” legislation.  像这样, Open Carry anywhere on the 欧亚体育 campus or college owned/leased facilities is prohibited and will be considered a violation of state law.

A publicly available webpage has been created that includes the Senate Bill in its entirety, 已批准的政策, 常见问题, 资源, 等.  维护安全的居住环境, 学习, 工作和娱乐仍然是学院的首要任务.


格雷戈里·D. 威廉姆斯,艾德.D.


We invite you to provide us with your feedback regarding the implementation of the 校园携带 law at 欧亚体育. Please contribute your thoughts by completing a brief survey:


问题? 联络本署: ocpd@olomgharibe.com



No. SB11只允许持枪者隐蔽携带枪支. License holders include people who have received the state-mandated training and met the other statutory requirements for a CHL or LTC.

Does a supervisor have the right to prohibit employees and vendors from carrying a concealed handgun in the work environment?

No; however, if an employee or vendor must enter a gun-free zone to accomplish their work, that employee or vendor may NOT carry a concealed handgun while in those designated gun-free areas. 

我可以问学生、教职员工、访客等吗. if he or she is carrying a concealed handgun or if he or 

No. Only a magistrate or a police officer is authorized to ask a student, 教员, 员工员工, or guest on campus if he or she is carrying a concealed handgun, and/or if he or she has a valid license to carry a handgun.

Are 教师 and 工作人员 required to notify students that they are carrying a concealed handgun?

No.  A license holder is not required to disclose that he or she has a license to anyone except a magistrate or peace officer. 

Can an employee prohibit the concealed carry of a handgun in their private office?

No, unless the private office is located in a designated gun-free zone. Faculty and Staff private offices are generally not located in a designated gun-free zone.

Will there be a list with names of individuals on campus who are license  holders?

No. There is no publicly accessible list of the individuals in Texas who are valid license holders.
